Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Perception Neuron Template v0.1.0 released

The first version of my "Third Person CPP Neuron" Unreal Engine 4 template is finished and
I have published it for free under the MIT license on Github.

Perception Neuron (TM) is a motion capture suit from Noitom financed by a
Kickstarter campaign last year.
Further details about the suit here: https://neuronmocap.com

Please use this thread to discuss the technical details about this template:
Unreal Forum Thread

Download: Github Repository
Latest version: v0.1.0

v0.1.0: Initial version

Live connection between Perception Axis Player and Unreal Engine 4 (Part 2)
Live connection between Perception Axis Player and Unreal Engine 4

Quick Installation Notes:
- Download the template from above link
- Unpack the ZIP archive to your UE4 template folder, for e.g.
  "C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.9\Templates\TP_ThirdPersonNeuron".
  Make sure that the project files are placed and visible under
  "...\Templates\TP_ThirdPersonNeuron" after unzip.
- Launch Unreal Editor and click on "New project".
- Under C++ you should now see a template called "TP Neuron".
- Create a new project with the above template selected.

- Unreal Engine 4.9.1 or higher
- MS Visual Studio 2013
- Axis Neuron SW Player (Free version is available here: https://neuronmocap.com/downloads)

To connect from the template to the Axis Neuron SW following settings should be done in the Axis Neuron SW:
- Open File|Settings dialog
- Activate under Broadcasting BVH and choose port 7001
- Configure under Output Format:
  * Frequency reducing: 1
  * Block type: String
  * Rotation: YXZ
  * Activate 'Displacement'
  * Deactivate 'Reference'
Per default the template connects to 'localhost' ( and to port 7001.
You can change these settings in the Controller Blueprint if you want to use a separate PC or other ports.
And you can add further controllers if you want to retrieve motion data from further suits or BVH server.

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